Friday, May 9, 2014

On Being a RareJob Teacher

Teaching is a treasure that I would hold dearly in my heart. When I started teaching here at RareJob, I fell in love with it. I never knew that it could develop me as a person while I was helping others learn.  Teaching gave me a sense of fulfillment. It felt good knowing that I am making a difference in a person’s life. 

Learning a new language is indeed life changing. It breaks down the wall that separates you from the whole world. It bridges the gap that cultural differences bring. It helps you understand others and even yourself better. Teachers are instruments of change. Who would ever know that I would end up in this job and loving it as well. 

So far, my journey has been amazing! I love my students! They are generally very polite, kind and hardworking. Some are funny and easy to talk to while others are serious and can be challenging. Most of them are disciplined and determined to learn the English language. Those who go to work wake up and have English lessons as early as 6:00 am. Some prefer to have lessons as late as 10:30 at night after work. They are very dedicated. I have had the opportunity of conducting lessons to Japanese students from various parts of the world and from all walks of life. 

Sometimes I think about how lucky we Filipinos are for being immersed with the language at such an early age. The Japanese needed to exert more effort to learn and reach out to the world with a language alien to them. We Filipinos are given the opportunity to use what we know. Maybe we have the responsibility to pass on to others the knowledge that we have. Or maybe we have the responsibility to put into good use what we know and make the most out of it. 

As a stay at home mom, this job is truly a blessing. I am able to take care of my husband and my two beautiful children. At the same time I am able to do something productive in my spare time: teach others, learn from others and earn too!

20th Tutor Gathering and Workshop (RareJob Office, April 23, 2014); Kato-san RareJob's CEO

Selfie with my Orange Burst Sisters! (From L-R: Gracee, Khrisna, Me, Jeanilyn)

Our Lunch
I won The Extra Mile Award: for exerting the effort of looking and smelling good! :)

With RareJob Japan Customer Service  (shoes are not allowed inside the office so we slipped  into comfy slippers)

Hanging out at Starbucks after the Workshop

With The Early Birds (L-R Erly, Angel, Me)

19th Tutor Gathering For A Cause (The Circle Events Place, December 7, 2013)  
With Gaku-san COO of RareJob Philippines

With Tutor Maria... She referred me to RareJob. Thanks! :)

With Kato-san RareJob's CEO and Gaku-san RareJob's COO and my co-tutor

RareJob, Chances for Everyone, Everywhere. Work at YOUR PLACE at YOUR own PACE. Be an Online English Tutor. If you want to work as an English Tutor at RareJob, All you need is the following: 
  • Must be at least 18 years old.
  • Has stable non-USB internet connection.
  • Has the needed computer requirements
  • Proficient in English

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