Monday, September 17, 2012

Claire's Dream Come True #1: A Big Black Car

Everytime we go to Sunday Mass at the Ascension of Our Lord Parish Church in Lagro, Claire without fail, would light up 5 colored candles (she always chooses the colors pink, purple, blue, green and red). As I was helping her to light up her candles, I told her that she should have a prayer for each of her candles. I lighted the pink candle up and asked her what it is for. She said it’s for a Big House. The purple candle is for a Big Car. The blue candle is for a trip to Hong Kong Disneyland. The Red candle is for going back to the Beach-Boracay. And the green candle is for her to fly like Izzie from Jake And The Neverland Pirates. During mass, she also kneels down to pray for her wishes. Good girl Claire.

Third week of August, my hubby and I dropped by SM Fairview for some errands. Marvin needed a ladder so he went to Ace Hardware to look for one. I was paying the bills at the Payment Center. He gave me a call and told me to go to Ford SM Fairview, which is right beside Ace Hardware. I met him there and he showed me that the downpayment for the Ford Everest was on a special promotional rate. Instead of the usual downpayment of P300k+ it was down to P88,000 plus insurance. It was a price that our family might be able to afford. We asked the sales consultant- Joan to give us a quotation and a brochure, which we brought home. Excitement was brimming, but I tried to suppress it, because I didn’t want to be disappointed.
Ad poster of Ford Everest
 We thought long and hard about it. We only have up to the end of August to decide. We consulted Marvin’s parents, my eldest brother Kuya Ge and my dad. They all said that we should go for it. If everything goes by smoothly, it simply means it was meant to be for us. This will be our first time to apply for a car loan and we are a bit apprehensive. What if we are not able to pay for the monthly amortization? But we have faith- lots of it.

We went to Ford Commonwealth for a test drive of the Ford Everest. We are satisfied with the ride, so we decided to plunge in a pay the reservation fee of P10,000.00. We filled up applications for car loans and waited for approval. We thought that if we get approved, then we will get it. If not, then it is not for us.
Test-Drive with my Mom-in-law and Claire

We patiently waited for the result of our loan application. On the second day, we got a text message from PS Bank and East West Bank informing us of our loan approval. It was a happy day. The next day, a Friday, we went to Ford Commonwealth to get our very own Black Ford Everest SUV. Just like that. We went home with our very own big car. It almost felt like we were in a dream.
Our very own Big Black Car
Inside the Big Black Car
Everything happened so fast. We did not plan for it. But I guess, that is how God works. He loves His children and He loves surprising us. Marvin really wanted a Toyota Fortuner. But God gave us a Ford Everest. I told Marvin that God doesn’t always give him what he wants, he jokingly said, maybe that is why He gave you to me. Then I told him, it’s because He only gives you the very best.
We had our new big black car, blessed that Sunday. Then on September 9, 2012- Our 6th Wedding Anniversary, we went to Our Lady of Manaoag, to thank our Mother for her blessings. It turned out that on our last trip there (April 2012), Marvin asked Mother Mary for a big black car. Who would have thought that only after 4 months, it will be given to us. Thank you Mother Mary for your blessings! Thank you for the Anniversary gift. Happy Birthday to you. (September 8 is the Birthday of Mother Mary.)
Car Blessing

Prayer is really very powerful. Especially if offered by someone with a pure heart- such as that of a little child’s. We noticed that Claire’s prayers somehow comes true, however impossible we may think it is. So I won’t be surprise if I ever see her flying around the house. And just for the kick of it, I might as well ask her to pray for a winning lotto ticket. J

6th Wedding Anniversary: Trip to Manaoag

Monday, September 3, 2012

Greenie The Turtle

Claire has been bugging me for the longest time to get her a pet. She wants a pet puppy, but I told her, we can't have a puppy because we have a baby in the house. I won't be able to take care of a new puppy because my hands are full taking care of her and of Ivan, my youngest.
Last Christmas she got a pet goldfish in a fish bowl. But due to lack of oxygen, her pet died the next day. Then she watched "Wonder Pets" at Nick Jr. and she saw Tuck the pet turtle. So she requested for a pet Turtle. Weeks passed and Claire just stopped asking me for a pet.

There was a three day sale at SM Fairview and as we were "window shopping" we came upon a pet store named, "Furry Tails." We asked them if they have turtles and they said yes! So we followed the salesperson inside the store and she directed us to an aquarium filled with small green turtles. What a perfect surprise for our good girl, Claire. And the turtles and the turtle food are on sale too! We got the turtle for P315.78 and the Turtle Food Pellets for P89.00.
Now, how do you choose your turtle pet from a tank full of turtles? What I did was, I picked up one turtle and drop him in the deep part of the tank. That turtle sank and hid inside its shell. Then I chose another one and did the same thing. Instead of hiding, this little turtle, swam up. I chose this active little guy and it turned out to be a male turtle. We asked them how we would know if its a female or a male. The salesperson said that it depends on the markings under the body of the turtle. I also made sure that the shell of our turtle looks healthy. The shell looks clean and strong and it doesn't have molds or any blemishes.
We brought this turtle home and placed him in the empty fish bowl that Claire got for Christmas. We found some stones, and carefully placed it inside the bowl. We filled it up with water-just up to the stones so the turtle can crawl up and lounge around. Then we presented it to Claire.

Our Pet Turtle- Greenie

Claire was giddy with excitement! At last she has her very own pet. I told her that it's her responsibility to feed her twice a day. She said yes mommy, I will. I asked her what name will she give her pet. She said, "Greenie, cause it's green." So Greenie it is. We let the turtle crawl on the floor and boy, was he fast. He almost got away from us. I thought turtles are supposed to be slowpokes..but ours was a speedy gonzales.
Greenie the turtle is just the perfect pet for our family. He is low maintenance, You just have to clean him and the fish bowl every morning and feed him, twice a day. That's pretty much it. Maybe when the kids are a little bigger we can get a puppy.

Greenie smiles for the camera.:)